1980’s / 1990’s 'Sacred Spaces, Patmos, Wells and Glastonbury'

In the early 80’s I worked on set design and painting scenery for Dramas and Musicals. Meanwhile, during these decades I experimented with various types of screen printing and extended my range of mixed media techniques. However, watercolour remained my preferred option, both for quick sketching and painting out of doors, work that I may then use in studio for finished watercolour, mixed media or oil paintings. The landscape of the Burren was one of my special places to go- it figured highly as inspiration for many paintings, both on location and later for works in my studio.

Dunmore East in county Waterford was where we caravanned when the children were young. Apart from it being a very special and beautiful village, it was close to where Walter was brought up.


The Shelton Forest Collection


1971 - 2007 Seascapes